Sadhguru's take on power of fenugreek, and why it is a must in daily diet

Sadhguru of Isha Foundation highlights the health benefits of pulses and grains, particularly fenugreek. He suggests including sprouts in the diet to cure diseases and maintain good health, especially for those above 50. Fenugreek aids in weight loss, reduces bad cholesterol, and improves memory power.

Sadhguru's take on power of fenugreek, and why it is a must in daily diet vkp

Isha Foundation founder Sadhguru has said that the human body can cure many diseases by eating pulses and grains, which we find in our households. Vegetables and many pulses have medicinal properties hidden in them and have the capacity to cure one or the other disease. We can maintain proper health and hygiene by eating sprouts every morning, thus we can stay away from many diseases.

The current generation has been suffering from one or the other disease or disorder, which has affected their daily life. Their food habits, lifestyle and lack of nutritious food have led them towards diabetes, blood pressure and other disorders that have been affecting the youth.

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Sadhguru recently shared a video on Instagram, where he explained the health benefits of various pulses and grains. He stated that the fenugreek are the most important part of our diet, and especially 50-year-olds should eat their early morning.

The sprouted fenugreek should necessarily be a part of everyone’s diet, said Sadhguru, explaining the importance of the grains. Blood pressure, Lack of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates can be balanced for the body. It is the best food for the growth of nails and hair. 

People who aim for weight loss should intake one spoon of fenugreek powder in the morning, on an empty stomach and another spoon after breakfast. This can reduce weight significantly and maintain a healthy balance in their food. The increase in bad cholesterol and constipation can be fought back with the Fenugreek seeds and it can also reduce heart diseases. 

The fenugreek seeds, although emit a bitter taste have several benefits, and work as a therapy for health. They are highly nutritious and serve as medicine for gastric problems in adults. They can be consumed for breakfast as they are rich in nutrients and fibre.

Best for adults more than 50-year

The fenugreek seeds maintain the diet and the people crossing 50 years, must and should include them in their daily food. Brainpower increases through their consumption and reduces disorders like forgetfulness and lack of thinking power.

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Sprouted fenugreek seeds with Green Gram

The combination of sprouted fenugreek seeds with green gram can increase memory power and provide sufficient nutrients and vitamins for the body. They should be a part of the human diet and should be intaken early morning, on an empty stomach.

The fenugreek seeds are rich in protein, fibre, iron, manganese, magnesium, carbohydrates and vitamins B and C. They will increase metabolism and best medicines for diabetes and cholesterol.

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