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Case filed against PM Modi over 'Congress will distribute wealth among Muslims if regained power' remark

A private complaint filed in Bengaluru's Special Court accuses PM Modi of inflammatory remarks suggesting Congress would favour Muslims in wealth distribution. The court is reviewing whether to proceed with the case based on Modi's speech alleging budgetary bias and redistribution of reservations.

Case filed against PM Modi over 'INC will distribute wealth among Muslims if regained power' remark vkp
First Published Jun 26, 2024, 12:51 PM IST

A private complaint has been lodged against Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Special Court of Representatives in Bengaluru by Ziaur Rahman. Rahman alleges that Modi made inflammatory statements during an election speech in Rajasthan, insinuating that the Congress party plans to allocate the country's wealth exclusively to Muslims if it returns to power.

The complaint, heard by the People's Representative's Court, focuses on Modi's reported remarks claiming that Congress intends to prioritize Muslims for budgetary allocations and redistribute existing reservations meant for backward communities. Rahman's formal complaint seeks legal action against the Prime Minister for these divisive comments.

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Today, the court has reserved its decision on whether to proceed with the case, pending further review of Modi's speech.

Case background: 

During a campaign event before the Lok Sabha elections in 2024, Modi asserted that the Congress party aims to distribute India’s budget along religious lines, earmarking 15% exclusively for the Muslim community. He alleged that Congress plans to redirect existing reservations meant for SCs, STs, and OBCs to Muslims, a move he vehemently opposed.

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"We will not allow the theft of reservations and wealth intended for the common people," Modi declared, emphasizing that his government does not distribute benefits based on caste or religion.

The outcome of the court's decision will determine whether legal proceedings will proceed against Modi for his controversial remarks.

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