5 cricket injuries a player should never ignore
Every cricketer has suffered some sort of injury over the span of his/her cricketing career. While some of the injuries are minor, some are even career-threatening. Be it any injury, a cricketer should always take utmost precaution, as even a minor damage can become severe.

Be it any sport, each and every one of them has its own challenges. Furthermore, every sport has its typical set of injuries, based on the physical limitations of the sport.

Same is the case in cricket, as a number of cricketers, be it uncapped or prominent international ones, have suffered some sort of injury in their career span. While most of them are minors, some are major ones, which, if not treated properly, can turn out to be career-threatening.

There are quite a few prominent cricketers whose careers ended due to an injury. On the same note, we take a look at some of the injures that a cricketer should never ignore.

Ankle injury: It is a common injury, suffered immensely by the pacers, due to their excessive running on the field, while bowling or fielding. Upon suffering the same, the player should immediately rest and relax the ankle, besides using icepack. Painkillers can also be used if the pain is excessive. However, in case there is swelling, which does not subside, it would need immediate medical attention, as there might be a fracture, which could be a severe one.

Thumb injury: Now, this might seem is a minor injury, and it is. However, in the case of severe pain, it could be a fracture. Physical abilities, involving bowling by spinners, should be promptly ceased. Using casts generally help in the treatment, while painkillers can be used for sharp pain. Also, limiting the use of the thumb can help in a speedy recovery. Ignoring the same could allow the injury to aggravate, leading to the requirement of surgery, later.

Knee injury: An injury that can be suffered by any cricketer, through any means. It is one injury that takes time to heal, as the player could be out for as long as nine months. In case of minor ones, applying ice and using gels can help, besides undergoing the prescribed treatment by the physician. However, in case it's a fracture, surgery is required.

Tennis elbow: The injury came into the limelight after India's cricketing great Sachin Tendulkar suffered it in 2005. While it nearly ended his career, the legend fought it back. The injury involves repeated strain on the muscles and tendons of the elbow, besides if it has suffered a critical knock. Gels and medication, along with painkiller, are prescribed to limit the pain. While physiotherapy helps in restoring the regular functionality of the arm, extreme cases require a surgery, where the affected tendon is removed to reduce the pain.

Jaw injury: In case one remembers, Anil Kumble had played a Test by wrapping a bandage around his jaw after suffering a knock while batting. Later, it was diagnosed that he has suffered a broken jaw. The primary thing that needs to be done upon suffering the same is repositioning the jaw by the doctor. Meanwhile, a Barton Bandage is to be worn around the neck to head, which helps in immobilizing the jaw. Furthermore, painkillers are prescribed to limit pain, as it could take some time before resuming physical activities.