In a strange turn of events, the execution of a notorious American serial killer faced unprecedented setbacks, with eight consecutive lethal injections failing to proceed as planned, casting a spotlight on the controversial and increasingly scrutinized method of capital punishment.
The Idaho state in US had a prominent serial killer’s execution scheduled on Wednesday. Thomas Eugene Creech was on a 43-year death row which was scheduled for completion on Wednesday as the Attorney General of the State made all necessary arrangements for the carrying out of the execution.
Thomas Eugene Creech who was directly involved in four murders out of which one also includes an inmate murder. The 73-year-old was given a death row by a court in 1981 which was delayed for 43 years making it the longest death row in the US inmates’ history. Protests were carried out by Thomas’s family and his lawyer over the execution.
The state court refused to overturn the capital punishment decision and green signaled for the execution to take place on Wednesday. In the morning hours, medical personnel tried to inject eight lethal injections into Thomas Eugene Creech’s hand. The medical personnel first tried to find a nerve to inject the dangerous chemical substance.
After continuous attempts, the medical personnel gave up and reported the problem to Attorney General Raul Labrador. Raul Labrador expressed his frustration with the development and said, “Justice has been delayed again.” The Idaho Department of Corrections is now likely to let the death warrant expire.
According to Forbes magazine, the department revealed that the future course of action was not decided yet. The department is likely to continue to discuss the situation but a time frame is not set yet. Meanwhile, the lawyer of Thomas Eugene Creech has filed a new motion in the court to stay the execution order.