After an audio went viral allegedly the conversation between Rohini Sindhuri and Assistant Drug Controller Arun Kumar in which the DC allegedly warns the junior officer with dismissal for sending oxygen to Chamarajanagar, farmer and BJP leader from Chamarajanagar says that IAS officer should be booked under murder charges. He said he will also file a report with SHRC on the same.
As the viral audio of previous Mysuru Deputy Commissioner, Rohini Dasari Sindhuri went viral in which the IAS officer is seen giving dismissal threats to assistant Drug Controller and questioning why oxygen is being sent to Chamarajanagar, now, Ammanapura Mallesh, a farmer and BJP leader from Chamarajanagar district wants Rohini booked under IPC section 302.
Speaking to Asianet Newsable, Mallesh said,"This is not an incident, it is a massacre and Rohini Sindhuri should be booked under murder charges, should be dismissed and then jailed."
The leader also said that a PIL has also been filed and says he's contemplating impleading and submitting the available audio as a piece of evidence to strengthen the case against Sindhuri.
This apart, the leader opined that the High Court-appointed committee headed by retired High Court Justice Venugopala Gowda of making a report in favor of Sindhuri sitting in AC room in Bengaluru and accused the committee of not doing a detailed study.
"I will approach a lawyer in Bengaluru and also file a complaint with the State Human Rights Commission against the IAS officer in this regard," he stated.
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