Pink Samaritan - Stand up for your city

By fleme fFirst Published Mar 7, 2017, 12:40 PM IST
  • Make sure you download the new Pink Samaritan app


With women safety in the country becoming a matter of concern increasingly, Asianet Newsable's campaign for Bengaluru becomes all the more relevant. Instead of just waiting for someone else to take the first step in bringing about a change in the society's perception of women and the importance needed to be accorded to women safety in the city, we invite you to become PinkSamaritans. 


Asianet Newsable's Pink Samaritan campaign has received tremendous support from people of all walks of life. Facebook is supporting Pink Samaritan initiative and will in future help the ecosystem of Pink Samaritans to grow. 


Who is a Pink Samaritan?



A Pink Samaritan can be anyone – student, housewife, police personnel, shopkeeper, cab driver, working professionals, CEO etc. We often talk of the government doing nothing, the police doing nothing, well this your turn to do that something. You can be a man or a woman and can be the support system of women in distress. Stop being bystanders! As Pink Samaritans, if you have been asked for help through the app, you can be the first to reach the scene, alert police or other concerned authority, probably solve the issue through verbal intervention and all in all support the resolution of the conflict.


This is how you can help Bengaluru.

Download the This women safety app empowers women to be consistently aware and prepared to tackle untowardly situations by using the support of the Pink Samaritan.

Here's the which will be launched on March 15. 


What is the Pink Samaritan app?

A digital bank for everything that can enable you to be a Pink Samaritan


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