In Karnataka, controversy erupted when a priest at Kuruvatti Basaveshwara Temple worshipped a photo of actor Darshan, who is jailed on murder charges. This incident, following a similar one in Bellary, led to public outrage and calls for action. Despite Darshan's legal issues, his fans continue to support him fervently.
In a shocking development from Karnataka, a priest has ignited controversy by worshipping a photo of actor Darshan, who is currently serving jail time on charges of murder. This incident took place at the Kuruvatti Basaveshwara Temple in Hadagali taluk, Vijayanagar district. The photo of the accused actor was placed on the temple idol, leading to widespread public outrage.
The controversy began when a priest at the Kuruvatti Basaveshwara Temple, Basappa Pujari, placed a photograph of Darshan on the idol's leg and another in front of the deity. During the worship service, Pujari offered prayers to this photo, which was met with significant backlash from the local community.
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This is not an isolated incident. Just two days prior, a similar controversy erupted at the Kudigode Dodda Basaveshwara Temple in Bellary district. There, six photos of Darshan were reportedly used in worship rituals, prompting outrage and leading to the priest’s dismissal by the Religious Endowment Department. The temple was also temporarily closed to the public.
Following the latest incident at Kuruvatti Basaveshwara Temple, the controversy has intensified. The priest’s actions have been labelled as a severe violation of religious decorum, with many calling for accountability and further action from temple authorities.
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Adding to the drama, there has been a growing movement among Darshan's fans, who are fervently praying for his release. Despite the legal troubles and serious charges against him, Darshan continues to have a significant fan base that is actively supporting him.
The photo of Darshan being worshipped in the temple has since been removed from social media, but the incident remains a hot topic of discussion.