In response to Siddaramaiah's statement about continuing as Chief Minister for 5 years, Home Minister Dr. G. Parameshwar mentioned that the decision was taken when the government was formed in Delhi, which is known only to the CM and Deputy Chief Minister. He refrained from making any comments on the matter, suggesting that only the general secretaries or those closely involved may have more insights.
Parameshwar expressed a reluctance to engage in discussions leading to factionalism within politics and avoided commenting on other statements, including Ramanagar MLA Iqbal Hussain's suggestion regarding the CM role.
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Dr. G. Parameshwar also discussed the plan to construct residential quarters for the police. Under the 'Police Gruha' scheme, 40% of the state's police have already received residential houses, and the Home Minister expressed the aim to increase this to at least 70% over the next five years. He mentioned that these new quarters are 2-bedroom apartment-type houses and emphasized the government's commitment to providing housing for 70% of the police force.
Furthermore, Parameshwar highlighted the ongoing modernization of police stations in the state, particularly those that are over 50 years old. The goal is to ensure that the police can work in more suitable, updated facilities.
Additionally, he touched upon the severe drought conditions in the state, with over 200 taluks affected and a request for central government assistance to address the estimated loss of around 37 thousand crore rupees. The extent of compensation to be provided remains uncertain.