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Karnataka govt to mandate usage of Kannada in all banks

By Vinaykumar PatilFirst Published Sep 9, 2023, 10:54 AM IST

The Congress government in Karnataka plans to enforce the 'Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Act-2022,' requiring all government and private organizations, including banks, to use Kannada exclusively in customer interactions. Banks with over a hundred employees must establish a 'Kannada Kosha' and offer Kannada learning units for non-Kannada-speaking staff. 

To promote Kannada and meet the demands of the people of Karnataka, the Congress government in the state will enforce the 'Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Act-2022' in all government and private organizations, including banks. The act, passed earlier this year in March, requires employees in these organizations to communicate with customers exclusively in Kannada.

To facilitate this initiative, banks with more than a hundred employees must establish a 'Kannada Kosha,' led by senior staff who are fluent in the Kannada language. The banks will be required to set up a 'Kannada learning unit' to teach non-Kannada-speaking employees the language skills needed for customer interactions.

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The government is ready to provide teaching resources and study materials if required, although the banks will cover the associated costs. This decision is a response to the challenges faced by Kannadigas, particularly in rural areas, when dealing with bank employees who do not speak Kannada. 

To address this, the government is stressing the recruitment of individuals who are fluent in Kannada for all positions in the state's banks. Once implemented, it will be mandatory for bank employees to use Kannada when communicating with customers.

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Kannada and Culture Minister Shivraj Thangadagi confirmed that regulations are currently in the works to ensure the full implementation of the 'Kannada Language Comprehensive Development Act-2022,' including the requirement for state bank employees to engage with customers in Kannada. 

This move aims to preserve Karnataka's culture and language while ensuring that Kannadigas can access essential banking services in their native tongue.

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