A fierce fire during Diwali razed the Stanley Furniture showroom in Bengaluru. The five-storey building, housing diverse businesses, suffered extensive damage. Three guards narrowly escaped, rescued by firefighters. Suspected to start from a short circuit, the blaze affected the furniture showroom, a coaching center, and an IT company. Four fire tenders responded, and authorities are assessing the aftermath.
A devastating fire engulfed a furniture showroom in Bengaluru, adding to the series of fire accidents in the city. The blaze occurred on the day of the Diwali festival at the Stanley Furniture showroom situated on Horamavu Outer Ring Road. The incident unfolded around midnight, causing significant damage to the five-storey building housing three companies.
The affected building hosted diverse businesses - the Comed Coaching Center on the second floor, while the third and fourth floors were occupied by the software company, Brakes Controls. Tragically, the furniture showroom, spanning the ground and first floors, bore the brunt of the fire and was left in ruins, suspected to have been triggered by a short circuit.
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The incident could have resulted in a catastrophic loss, but initially trapped in the building, three security guards managed a narrow escape. The timely intervention of firefighters led to the safe rescue of these guards confined within the building due to the raging flames. Although the furniture showroom was devastated, the adjoining coaching centre and IT company also suffered significant damage.
In response to the emergency, four fire tenders arrived at the location to combat the fire. The incident fell under the jurisdiction of the Ramamurthynagar police station. The authorities continue their efforts to extinguish the flames and assess the aftermath of this distressing event.