Karnataka Minister Shivaraj Tangadagi reiterated his commitment to his statement about slapping students who chant Modi's name, clarifying it as a call for accountability from the central government. He criticized BJP's influence on youth and challenged them to address concerns like job creation and drought relief. Tangadagi also criticized media for misrepresentation and highlighted alleged failures of the Modi government.
"I'm committed to the statement about slapping students who chant Modi’s name" declared Karnataka Cultural Minister Shivaraj Tangadagi in a recent press conference held at the KPCC office. The minister, known for his outspoken nature, addressed several key issues concerning the youth and the cultural landscape of Karnataka.
Expressing concern over what he perceives as the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) influence on the youth through "lies and hypocrisy," Minister Tangadagi emphasized the importance of guiding the younger generation onto the right path. "fight culture belongs to the BJP, not us," he asserted, using the local language of North Karnataka to connect with his audience.
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The minister criticized the media for allegedly misrepresenting his statements, questioning why only fragments of his speeches were highlighted instead of the full context. He reiterated his stance on various issues, challenging the BJP to address concerns such as job creation, drought relief, grants, and alleged injustices under schemes like NREGA.
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Referring to a controversial statement where he suggested that those people should be ‘slapped’ who chant Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s name, Minister Tangadagi clarified that his intention was to highlight the need for accountability from the central government. "I did not advocate violence like some BJP leaders who incite aggression," he clarified.
The minister also took aim at the BJP's track record, particularly during the Modi government's tenure, citing instances where he felt the central government had failed to address critical issues such as natural disasters and farmer distress. He called for a thorough discussion on the alleged discrepancies in government grants and the neglect of projects like the Bhadra Upper Bank Project.