Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra attacked West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and said, “Mamata didi calls BJP leaders outsiders but keeps infiltrators from Pakistan and Bangladesh in her own state. There is sense of fear among people in the state.”
Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee after the attack on the convoy of BJP President JP Nadda in Bengal.
BJP has started a national campaign from Madhya Pradesh to win the support of local Bengali families under the 'nationalism' campaign. Narottam Mishra attacked Mamata Banerjee and said, “Mamata didi calls BJP leaders outsiders but keeps infiltrators from Pakistan and Bangladesh in her own state. There is sense of fear among people in the state.”
Also read: Bengal man arrested for spreading communal hatred on Facebook
Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra took to the field a day after the attack on BJP's all-India president JP Naddar in West Bengal. He met superstar Amitabh Bachchan's mother-in-law Indira Bhaduri in Bhopal. Narottam Mishra said, 'Didi's government has turned the glorious state of West Bengal into a lawless state. The attack on BJP's all-India president JP Nadda and Kailash Vijayavargy is highly reprehensible.”
Narottam Mishra also said, “In the past, during the refugee crisis, a large number of Bengalis were accommodated in Madhya Pradesh Even during the Covid-19 lockdown, many migrant workers from Bengal were working in Madhya Pradesh. They were sent to their home states by special transport. I am a resident of Madhya Pradesh. I call on all Bengalis to remove the corrupt government from Bengal.”