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PM Modi's unwavering support for Team India: Old Mann Ki Baat address resurfaces after WC defeat (LISTEN)

By Sunita IyerFirst Published Nov 21, 2023, 5:47 PM IST

Video of PM Narendra Modi's Mann Ki Baat address following Indian women team's loss at the Cricket World Cup in 2017 resurfaces after the Men in Blue's heartbreaking defeat against Australia in the ODI World Cup 2023 final on Sunday.

In the aftermath of India's defeat in the Cricket World Cup 2023, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended his support and encouragement to the Indian cricket team by visiting the dressing room. Despite his well-intentioned gesture, PM Modi found himself the subject of social media trolling due to his presence at the Narendra Modi stadium in Ahmedabad during the final match against Australia on Sunday. However, this is not the first instance of the Prime Minister rallying behind Indian sports teams, as he had previously shown his support for women cricketers after their Cricket World Cup loss in 2017.

Also read: 'Panauti': Rahul Gandhi blames PM Modi's presence for India's World Cup defeat

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Team India's dressing room and meet Virat Kohli, Rohit Sharma and players after Heartbreaking loss.

— CricketMAN2 (@ImTanujSingh)

During a July 2017 episode of Mann Ki Baat, PM Modi acknowledged the stellar performance of the women's cricket team in the World Cup. He recounted meeting the players and sensing the disappointment and pressure they felt for not clinching the championship. In his address, the Prime Minister highlighted the intense expectations placed on athletes in the era of heightened media scrutiny. He empathized with the players, acknowledging the burden they carried and the unfortunate tendency of some individuals to express their disappointment inappropriately.

PM Modi took the opportunity to share a different perspective with the women cricketers, reminding them of the positive aspects of their journey. He emphasized that in the face of defeat, the entire nation, all 125 crore citizens, collectively embraced the team without placing blame on the players. Expressing satisfaction with this shift in mindset, he commended the nation for shouldering the defeat together and praised the players for their efforts.

The Prime Minister recognized the challenges faced by athletes, especially the young generation and female players, and encouraged them to focus on the broader picture. Regardless of the match outcome, he reminded them that they had already won the hearts of 125 crore countrymen. PM Modi concluded his Mann Ki Baat by extending heartfelt congratulations to the young generation, particularly the women, for their contributions in bringing glory to the nation and wished them continued success.

Also read: WC Final: Did India crack under pressure or was it a bad day at the office? Sports psychologists explain

Here's a look back at PM Modi's Mann Ki Baat address after Indian women's 2017 World Cup loss:

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