West Bengal's Election Commission was ordered to deploy central forces for all districts in the state within 48 hours in preparation for the Panchayat elections, which are slated for July 8, by the Apex Court in response to two petitions challenging two orders of the Calcutta High Court.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday (June 20) dismissed a plea challenging the Calcutta High Court's order regarding the deployment of central forces during West Bengal panchayat elections. The Apex Court refused to interfere with the HC order.
While hearing the plea, the top court noted that what the HC may have thought is that instead of requisitioning forces from other neighbouring states, it is better to deploy central forces and expenses would be borne by the Centre. The Supreme Court further said that holding elections cannot be a license for violence.
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The State Election Commission of West Bengal was ordered to deploy central forces for all districts in the state within 48 hours in preparation for the Panchayat elections, which are slated for July 8, by the Apex Court in response to two petitions challenging two orders of the Calcutta High Court.
Senior Advocate Meenakshi Arora had mentioned the matter before the Vacation Bench of Justice Surya Kant and Justice MM Sundresh on Monday, contending that the SEC could only make an assessment of sensitive areas, but it could not requisition or deploy the Central forces area wise, as directed by the High Court.
Opposition leaders, including Suvendu Adhikari of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury had approached the court, requesting the deployment of central forces to ensure peaceful elections.
They highlighted the large-scale violence witnessed during the 2022 municipal elections and the 2021 Kolkata Municipal Corporation elections. Additionally, they sought an extension of the nomination deadline, citing inadequate time. The court entrusted the decision regarding the extension to the SEC.