On Wednesday, CM Bhupendra Patel celebrated the day by visiting Panchdev Mandir in Gandhinagar to perform darshan and aarti. Sharing pictures from his visit, Patel tweeted, "In the new year, Panchdev Mandir in Gandhinagar wished progress, happiness, peace and prosperity to Gujarat and all its citizens by performing darshan, archan and aarti."
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday extended his wishes to Gujaratis on the occasion of "Gujarati New Year". Apart from PM Modi, several other political leaders poured in wishes as Gujarat is scheduled to go to the assembly elections later this year.
In a tweet, PM Modi said, "Heartfelt New Year wishes to all Gujaratis…!! May the new year starting today light up your life and lead you on the path of progress.... Happy new year with new resolutions, new inspirations and new goals with the aspiration that Gujarat always rises to the heights of achievement."
સૌ ગુજરાતીઓને નવા વર્ષની અંતઃકરણપૂર્વકની શુભેચ્છાઓ…!!
આજથી શરૂ થતુ નવું વર્ષ આપના જીવનને પ્રકાશમય કરી પ્રગતિના પંથે દોરી જાય….નવા સંકલ્પો, નવી પ્રેરણાઓ તથા નવા લક્ષ્યો સાથે ગુજરાત હરહંમેશ સિદ્ધિના ઉચ્ચ સોપાનો સર કરે તેવી અભિલાષા સાથે નૂતન વર્ષાભિનંદન...
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External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar also posted a tweet and wished for collective good health and success. "May Dipotsav and New Year bring happiness, peace and prosperity in your life, may your health be good and may you scale the highest peaks of success in this glorious journey of 'Sauno Saath - Sauno Vikas'..," he tweeted in Gujarati.
In separate tweets, Union Home Minister Amit Shah wished for joy and happiness on the New Year and also, prayed for Lord Krishna’s blessing for everyone.
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Delhi Chief Minister and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Chief Arvind Kejriwal said, "To Gujarat and all the people of Gujarat, I wish this New Year of Vikram Samvat with new thoughts, new hopes and new resolutions to bring you and your family happiness, prosperity and good health. Jay Shree Krishna."
On Wednesday, CM Bhupendra Patel celebrated the day by visiting Panchdev Mandir in Gandhinagar to perform darshan and aarti. Sharing pictures from his visit, Patel tweeted, "In the new year, Panchdev Mandir in Gandhinagar wished progress, happiness, peace and prosperity to Gujarat and all its citizens by performing darshan, archan and aarti."
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According to Hindu calendar, Gujarati New Year begins in the Hindu month of Kartik on Shukla Paksha Pratipada and more often starts with Govardhan Puja.