Earlier on Wednesday, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat stated that, in 15 years, India would once again be known as 'Akhand Bharat.'
In his recent attack, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut targeted the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat challenging him to form 'Akhand Bharat in 15 days rather than 15 years.'
While talking to reporters, the MP stated that first include POK in India, then Pakistan, Sri Lanka and then others to complete 'Akhand Bharat', who is stopping. However, don't promise to do it in 15 years, do it in 15 days, instead, he added.
Earlier on Wednesday, RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat stated that, in 15 years, India would once again be known as 'Akhand Bharat.' He added that all of this will be witnessed with our own eyes. As per the saints' astrology, India will once again be a unified India in 20 to 25 years.
Bhagwat commented while inaugurating the Brahmalin Mahamandaleshwar Shri 1008 Swami Divyanand Giri idol, Pran Pratishtha, and Shri Gurutray Temple; he stated that if we all work together to speed up this process, Akhand Bharat will be developed in 10 to 15 years. The country will be rebuilt in 15 years, and he added that all those who get in the way would be eliminated.
Meantime, a local unit of the RSS has written to the Mumbai civic body aiming for an alternative location at the Shivaji Park ground in Mumbai's central area Dadar to function as its branch, rather than the existing location near the built-in structure memory of late Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray within the same premises.
In its letter to Brihanmmbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) in October 2021, the Dadar unit of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) stated it's facing many issues while conducting its activities as the present place allotted to it is located exactly next to the Thackeray's 'Smruti Sthal'.
Since 1933, the Sangh stated they have a unit on the Shivaji Park ground. In 1967, the civic body allowed a 1,755 sq. mt plot inside the Shivaji Park on a rent basis. It also added they had paid rent for the plot from 1967 to 2007 and property tax from April 1, 1967, and 2021-22.
The letter read that due to the existing memorial next to the VLT plot allotted to them, they face difficulties in conducting their activities. And they feel that due to the memorial, the demarcation of the plot will be tough.
Due to the same reason, the RSS has now asked for an alternate site close to the Nana-Nani Park located in Shivaji Park on lease.
As per reports, the RSS' Nitin Mhatre signed the letter and informed that the process is still ongoing and they were pursuing the matter with the civic body.
Meantime, NCP chief Sharad Pawar, speaking to reporters about the RSS letter, stated that its Balasaheb's memorial, and people from all parties were involved in the decision to establish it. There's no reason to modify anything about it. The unnecessary controversy should be avoided, he added.
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