A video featuring Yathindra Siddaramaiah discussing with Mahadev, identified as the CM's Special Duty Officer, raises concerns about interference in government affairs. Mahadev's controversial involvement in transfer matters, including bypassing ministers, sparks unease. Recent dissatisfaction expressed by Siddaramaiah's son regarding a list highlights potential conflicts reminiscent of past controversies.
A viral video has surfaced featuring former MLA Yathindra Siddaramaiah in a conversation with someone named Mahadev, raising questions about the latter's identity and role in certain government affairs.
The video, gaining widespread attention, captures Yathindra Siddaramaiah speaking on the phone, addressing the recipient as "Dad" while discussing a specific list. During the conversation, Siddaramaiah references Vivekananda's name and queries about the responsible individual.
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Yathindra Siddaramaiah has been observed engaging with a figure referred to as Mahadev, identified as a Special Officer designated by the Chief Minister, particularly appointed to oversee the Varuna Constituency. Mahadev's career progression led to a promotion to the position of Sub-Registrar in the Cabinet back in 2014.
Mahadev hails from Hundi village in Siddaramaiah's constituency. Upon Siddaramaiah assuming the role of Chief Minister, the government appointed Mahadev as an Officer on Special Duty (OSD). It's worth mentioning that Mahadev shares a familial connection with CM Siddaramaiah.
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Expressing dissatisfaction with a different list provided, Yathindra asks Siddaramaiah to hand the phone over to Mahadev, emphasizing that he had provided five specific instructions. Following the conversation with Mahadev, Yathindra questions the decisions made, expressing a desire for adherence to the instructions given.
It has been revealed that Mahadev is Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's Special Duty Officer. Mahadev has been a subject of contention in the past, drawing the ire of several ministers due to his involvement in transfer-related matters. Complaints were lodged against him by Siddaramaiah himself.
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Mahadev's actions in the labour department, including the preparation of a transfer list without informing Minister Santosh Lad, have stirred controversy in the past as well. Allegedly, an additional list of 40 transfers was crafted by Mahadev without the minister's knowledge but with the consent of the Chief Minister.
Santosh Lad, concerned by Mahadev's interference, reportedly urged Siddaramaiah to remove him from his position. The recent video featuring Yathindra Siddaramaiah has sparked concerns that a similar situation may be arising regarding the list provided by Yathindra.