In the Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case, the suspected bomber was seen without a mask on a BMTC bus. NIA has taken over the investigation and offered a Rs 10 lakh reward for information. Renowned artist Harsha released a sketch of the suspect. Five suspects are in custody, but no arrests have been made yet.
The suspected bomber in the Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case was seen without a mask, while he was travelling inside a BMTC bus in the city. The latest photos show his face, without a mask, seated inside the bus. As per the reports, he avoided the CCTV camera while walking on the streets, and the investigators have traced his movements to Bellary, Karnataka where the officials suspect that he might have travelled to Mantralaya by bus.
The Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case has been transferred to the Anti-terror Agency (NIA). They have announced a cash reward of Rs 10 lakh to anyone who can provide a lead on the accused information. On March 1, 2024, at around 12.30 pm, an explosion took place in the Kundalahalli Rameshwaram Cafe in Bengaluru, injuring at least 10 people present inside the cafe.
Bengaluru Rameshwaram Cafe blast case: Renowned artist Harsha releases sketch of bomber
NIA officials have taken 5 accused into custody with suspicions to link with the blast. However, per the Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwar, nobody has been arrested yet. The Rameshwaram Cafe, which has been handed over back to the management, has released an official statement through their Social handles, stating that the cafe will be opened to the public from 9th March 2024.
Meanwhile, the NIA officials have left no stone unturned in finding out the details about the suspect. Showing his support for the investigation, renowned artist, Harsha has released a sketch of the suspect on his profile on Platform X (formerly Twitter).
Images of The Rameshwaram Cafe bomber with & without mask while he was traveling in the BMTC Volvo bus in Bengaluru