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Another blow to cheetah conservation: Female cheetah's death in Kuno National Park raises concerns

By Team NewsableFirst Published Aug 2, 2023, 2:13 PM IST

The series of cheetah deaths has raised concerns and prompted authorities to investigate the situation further to ascertain the causes behind these unfortunate occurrences. Preserving the cheetah population and ensuring their well-being has become an urgent priority for the park management and conservationists.

In yet another tragic incident, the Kuno National Park on Wednesday (August 2) witnessed the death of a female cheetah named Dhatri (Tiblisi). This marks the ninth fatality among the big cats in the park within a span of about five months. The park authorities promptly issued a press note acknowledging the unfortunate event and informed that a post-mortem examination is underway to determine the cause of death.

The somber statistics reveal that out of the nine cheetahs that have perished at the Madhya Pradesh-based national park, three of them were cubs. Last year in September, the park had made headlines when it saw the reintroduction of 20 adult cheetahs that were brought in from Namibia and South Africa. Since then, four cubs had been born within the park, making it a ray of hope for the cheetah population.

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However, the recent events have cast a dark shadow on this positive endeavor. In the past month alone, two male cheetahs, Tejas and Suraj, met untimely deaths. Tejas passed away on July 11 after failing to recover from a "traumatic shock" following a violent altercation with a female cheetah.

The series of cheetah deaths has raised concerns and prompted authorities to investigate the situation further to ascertain the causes behind these unfortunate occurrences. Preserving the cheetah population and ensuring their well-being has become an urgent priority for the park management and conservationists. Efforts are being made to identify potential threats and address the challenges faced by the cheetahs to prevent further losses in the future.

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