A viral video from Chhattisgarh shows a bear affectionately hugging a Shivling at Chandi Mata Mandir, sparking awe among viewers. The rare moment has been interpreted as an act of devotion, with many commenting "Har Har Mahadev" and reflecting on Lord Shiva’s connection with animals.
A heartwarming video from Chandi Mata Mandir in Bagbahara, Chhattisgarh, has taken the internet by storm. The footage captures a rare moment of devotion as a bear is seen hugging a Shivling inside the temple. This unusual act of reverence has left viewers both surprised and moved.
The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows the bear wrapping its arms around the Shivling, gently resting its head on the idol, and appearing to sigh in relief. The Shivling, which resembles the famous Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga in Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, seemed to be the focal point of the animal’s attention.
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The rare incident reportedly occurred near the forested area surrounding the temple. Witnesses captured the unique interaction from a distance, and the video has since garnered millions of views and widespread appreciation online.
In the clip, the bear is seen interacting affectionately with the Shivling, moving its hands across the structure and displaying what many have interpreted as an act of worship. The bear stayed on the Shivling for an extended time, leading to speculations about its divine connection with Lord Shiva. This beautiful moment has sparked a wave of admiration, with social media users commenting phrases like "Har Har Mahadev" and reflecting on Lord Shiva’s form as Pashupatinath, the Lord of Animals. A viewer noted, “Even animals have devotion. This is a sign of divine grace.”
The video was posted on Instagram by a user named ‘Snapzyy’ and has since received over one million views and four lakh likes. It has not only delighted animal lovers but also sparked spiritual enthusiasm among devotees. People are forwarding the clip across platforms, praising the bear’s peaceful demeanour and interpreting its actions as a display of love and devotion for Lord Shiva.
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This isn’t the first time animals have exhibited such behaviour in temples. Recently, a video of a cat circling an idol in Shani Shingnapur went viral. In other instances, monkeys, elephants, and even snakes have been observed showing reverence towards idols in temples.
Hindu mythology teaches that God resides in every living being, and this touching moment at the Chandi Mata Mandir has further reinforced this belief. Devotees have interpreted the bear’s act as seeking blessings from Lord Pashupatinath.