Rajnath Singh lauded the efforts of the TMR team, saying, "The location where the TMR team was positioned has seen zero casualties due to avalanches."
Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh has recently applauded the crew of 'Tiranga Mountain Rescue' for their one-of-a-kind efforts in safeguarding the lives of the armed forces personnel during his meeting with the team in the National Capital. The meeting was held to felicitate the efforts of TMR for continuously protecting the armed forces from natural calamities such as avalanches, sandstorms, and many more.
Rajnath Singh lauded the efforts of the TMR team, saying, "The location where the TMR team was positioned has seen zero casualties due to avalanches." Previously, avalanches claimed the lives of at least 20-25 people. The TMR crew has been continually doing an outstanding job in protecting the lives of the armed forces from natural disasters.
The TMR team trains thousands of soldiers in over 140 locations across India to establish a team capable of providing professional and specialized training as well as a comprehensive rescue support system to the Indian Army for a longer time period. Moreover, Director General Military Operations Lt Gen BS Raju, Vice Chief of the Army Staff Lt Gen Manoj Pande, and other senior military officials are some of the reputed personalities who marked their presence at the event.
The TMR Bravehearts squad is made up of about 20 experienced mountaineers (including veterans and civilians) who are constantly trained by Air – Zermatt, the world's premier mountain and avalanche rescue organization. TMR has successfully positioned three teams in Kashmir, two in Ladakh, and one in Sikkim. So far, the Tiranga Rescue Team has trained over 20,000 armed forces. In several avalanche-prone border locations, the TMR has sent six teams in coordination with the Indian Army. The training ensures that the TMR crew is fully prepared for the upcoming missions.
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh was briefed about TMR's efforts to increase awareness and train armed forces personnel. The Tiranga Mountain Rescue team has received widespread praise for its efforts, particularly between 2016 and 2018. In addition to providing rescue services, they have also been training personnel for cover, route analysis, rescue, and other missions in the Alps' highest, most dangerous, and avalanche-prone places.
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