Three crucial oral hygiene habits to avoid bleeding gums and cavities

First Published Mar 3, 2023, 7:30 AM IST

Bleeding gums happen because of plaque formation and buildup at the gum line in any person's teeth. In order to avoid this, these are the three daily oral hygiene habits followed every day to avoid having bleeding gums and cavities.

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A bright smile will make you look more beautiful. But with decayed teeth or gums, you will not be confident enough. While we pay close attention to the rest of our bodies, we often ignore our oral health. 

Generally, most of us fail to spend much time taking care of our teeth or gums. As a result, we develop cavities, toothache, or bleeding gums.

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Bleeding gum or inflamed gums could be a result of poor oral hygiene. These are the three mandatory oral hygiene habits to avoid bleeding gums and cavities.

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1. Brushing: 

One would argue that they brush every day. But, many do it wrong or inappropriately. Take time and remove plaque by gently circling the teeth with the toothbrush. Try to use brushes that have soft bristles, which will not hurt your gums. Brushing your teeth at least twice is common. Nonetheless, a lot of us still skip cleaning our teeth at night. But brushing your teeth before bed removes plaque and bacteria that have accumulated throughout the day.

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2. Clean your tongue: 

Our oral health includes our tongue as well. The tongue can also develop plaque. It may cause various issues with your oral health. Each time you brush your teeth, gently brush your tongue with a cleaner to avoid excess bacteria accumulation.

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3. Flossing:

This is rarely even attempted or done by most of us, but it is vital for oral hygiene. Flossing helps to remove small food particles that might get stuck between our teeth. We should floss at least once a day to remove any particles that would have stuck while having food.

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