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Rituals give children a sense of togetherness, safety and security in the changing world. Every family have different rituals and dynamic that help them connect and slow down. Cracking Diwali crackers together or eating breakfast on Sunday mornings that has been passed down from your other relatives and grandparents. Rituals are essential activities to do with your loved ones and hold special significance in your family. They strengthen the relationship between your family members and create memories. They help give kids the impression that the world is secure and predictable.
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Laugh and play together: Bonds can grow stronger in your family by having fun together by playing games together, sharing adventures, talking about tactics, and playing games. Playing games together can help better communication and enduring bonds with your family members.
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Go on family outings: You don't need to plan long trips to spend quality time with your family. Family bonds can be strengthened by going on long drives, leisurely walks, or overeating ice cream. An unwinding and relaxing are to go on picnics and excursions.
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Doing chores together: Families who do tasks together and make the can reap many benefits. Doing chores together can give a sense of belonging, provide practice for working together as a team, and lighten the workload, which makes everyone happier.
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