Coconut water, smoothies and more: Here's what to eat to avoid heatstroke

During the summer, it is best to dress in loose-fitting, lightweight cotton clothing. It will allow your body to adequately chill. Spend a limited amount of time working or exercising in the heat until you feel at ease with it. Here are items one should consume to avoid heatstroke.

Summer months are tough to handle because of the heat. Heat stroke is a condition in which your body becomes overheated, generally as a result of extended exposure to or physical effort in hot temperatures. Feeling light-headed upon standing up is an early indicator of dehydration. Other symptoms include dry lips and tongue, headache, excessive weariness, nausea, and muscular cramps.

During the summer, it is best to dress in loose-fitting, lightweight cotton clothing. It will allow your body to adequately chill. Spend a limited amount of time working or exercising in the heat until you feel at ease with it. Heat-related sickness is more common among people who are not used to being in hot temperatures.


In the summer, buttermilk is a requirement. It keeps the body cool while also quenching thirst. Simultaneously, drink buttermilk to avoid dehydration during the heat. Avoid sugary beverages and sodas in favour of buttermilk.

Coconut water smoothies and more Here s what to eat to avoid heatstroke gcw

Stay hydrated

Drinking enough of water and natural electrolytes, such as coconut water, can assist your body sweat and maintain a healthy body temperature. Women are prone to falling for a summer fit physique and opting for fad diets that deplete their bodies' water reserves. Nutrients are lost, and skin health suffers as a result.

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Fruits and vegetables

During the summer, it is essential to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables. Mango and watermelon are high in fibre, low in sugar, and high in water content. Consuming these fruits before meals keeps you satiated for a longer amount of time. Papayas are also excellent for overall digestion. Salads must have cucumbers (which contain 70-80 percent water) and fresh lettuce.

Muskmelon is another another refreshing summer fruit that will keep your body hydrated. Musk melon, which is high in nutrients such as Vitamin A, D, B-6, iron, magnesium, and dietary fibres, is not only hydrating but also aids in the relief of digestive ailments such as constipation.


Smoothies made with yoghurt and crushed ice are a refreshing way to cool down on a hot summer day. Add your favourite fruits to make this drink even more enjoyable.

Also Read: Around 14 days of extended heatwave in northwest India, says IMD

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