The number of COVID-19 cases is increasing in the state of West Bengal. According to the State Health Bulletin on Thursday (September 3), 472 people were infected in Kolkata in a single day. On Wednesday (September 2), the number of cases was 393. The total number of people infected with COVID in Kolkata has risen to more than 41,000 and stands at 41,573.
The rate of recovery is also increasing in Kolkata. In a single day, 728 patients recovered. So far, a total of 36,062 recoveries have been reported. Meanwhile, sanitiser is being sprayed all over the city on behalf of Kolkata Municipality to destroy COVID-19.
In Kolkata, the number of active cases at present is 4,178. In a single day, 15 people died of the infection. On September 2 it was 17 while on August 30, it was 19. So far, a total of 1,333 people has died in Kolkata.
The total number of deaths in West Bengal is 3,394. Out of these, 1,333 people are from Kolkata. However, more people are recovering in the city than the number of new cases reported.
According to the State Health Bulletin on Thursday (September 3), 55 deaths were reported in a single day in West Bengal. On Wednesday (September 2), the number stood at 56. Comparatively, the number of deaths decreased in one day. However, so far 3,394 people have died in the state due to COVID-19.
Out of the 55 people who died in West Bengal, 15 are from Kolkata. 12 people are from North 24 Parganas, 5 from South 24 Parganas, 6 from Howrah, 3 from Hooghly. 3 people died from East Medinipur, 1 from West Burdwan, 1 from Bankura, 2 from Purulia, 1 from Birbhum, 2 from Nadia, 1 from Murshidabad, 1 from Jalpaiguri, and 1 from Darjeeling.