Nayanthara, the lady superstar of the Tamil cinema, is all set to tie the knot with filmmaker Vignesh Shivan on June 9. According to reports, Nayanthara, the lady superstar of Tamil cinema who got engaged in 2021, has remained tight-lipped about their nuptials until now, when they are scheduled to reveal their wedding date in a press conference on Tuesday, June 7.
According to News18, the couple has already sold their wedding video rights to the streaming site Netflix for a huge sum. A source close to the couple said that Gautham Menon, a well-known filmmaker, would capture the entire wedding ceremony in a documentary style.
Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara are set to tie the knot on June 9. The director confirmed the news to the media at a press conference at Taj Club House, Chennai.
Many bigwigs from the South Indian cinema industry are anticipated to attend the famous couple's wedding at a resort in Mahabalipuram, including Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Vijay Sethupathi, Rajinikanth, Chiranjeevi, Kamal Haasan, Suriya, and others. On June 9, the pair will throw a big party to commemorate their special day.
Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan visited Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin to invite him to their wedding. On the internet, their photo had gone viral.