Do you have acidity or heartburn? Here are 4 best yoga poses gas problems in women

First Published | Jun 16, 2022, 7:30 AM IST

Yoga can help acidity and gas if the symptoms are moderate. You may also make a few lifestyle modifications to improve your gut health and manage acid reflux.

Do you have acidity or heartburn? Here are 4 best yoga poses gas problems in women RBA

One of the most widespread issues people face is acidity and heartburn. Acidity is caused by the gastric glands' excessive production of acid in the stomach. Whether for men or women, a poor lifestyle is one of the main reasons for acidity. If the symptoms are mild, yoga can bring healing for acidity and gas. You can also make a few lifestyle changes to control acid reflux and have better gut health. 

Do you have acidity or heartburn? Here are 4 best yoga poses gas problems in women RBA

Eliminate Stress
When your mind is restless, you are bound to feel disturbed. Yoga and meditation is one of the best ways to keep your mind calm. Avoid excess consumption of alcohol, non-vegetarian food, and greasy food. Quit smoking. These habits can worsen the condition of gas. Sleeping at regular hours is essential to maintain healthy digestion and exercise and fitness.  

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Manage your Diet
It is advisable to eat at home as often as possible. Freshly served home-cooked meals are soothing for the digestive system. You should also reduce the amount of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and soft drinks. Pizza, doughnuts, and other processed food items can lead to acidity, and stomach disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux disease, tumours, peptic ulcers, etc.


Try these easy and practical exercises by holding each pose for 30 seconds and repeating for 3 sets.

Vajrasana - This pose can be done on a full stomach. In fact, it should be done right after having a meal.


  • Gently drop your knees down
  • Keep your heels close to each other
  • Do not place the toes on top of the other, instead right and left must be next to each other
  • Place your palms on your knees facing upward
  • Straighten your back and look forward


Formation of the posture

  • Begin by standing straight with your arms by the sides of your body
  • Bend your knees, lower your pelvis and place it over your heels
  • Ensure that your feet remain flat on the floor
  • You may either place your palms on the floor beside your feet or join them in front of your chest in a gesture of prayer
  • Spine remains erect


Formation of the posture 

  • Lie down on your back
  • Place your palms on the floor beside your body
  • Using your abdominal muscles, lift your legs up 90 degrees
  • Press your palms firmly onto the floor and allow your legs to fall back behind your head
  • Let your middle and lower back lift off the floor so your toes can touch the floor behind
  • Try to bring your chest as close to your chin as possible 
  • Bend the arms and hold them back with your palms for support as per your level of comfort

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Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Formation of the posture

• Kneel down on the mat and sit on your heels 
• Inhale and raise arms above head
 • Exhale and bend your upper body forward 
• Place your forehead on the floor 
• Pelvis should rest on the heels 
• Ensure that your back is not hunched

Yoga is an effective way to enhance the functions of our metabolism and digestion systems. There are yoga asanas such as Pawavanmuktasana, Vipritakarani and other techniques that help in natural healing and strengthen the digestive system. Also, drink plenty of water to assist in the process of digestion. This will also keep your internal organs hydrated and make you feel full to eliminate the problem of overeating.

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