It has barely been a few hours since actors Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif got married in Rajasthan. Now, reports of another Bollywood actor’s marriage are surfacing on the next. This time, the Shaadi talks are about Shraddha Kapoor and it’s none other than her maternal aunt, Padmini Kolhapure who has dropped the hints.
Look like this is the year for marriages in Bollywood. It is only a few hours ago that Bollywood actors Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal tied the know, and rumours about another celebrity getting hitched have already started doing rounds. Indications of this have been given by the aunt of the actress herself. According to reports, after Katrina Kaif's marriage, Shakti Kapoor's daughter, actor Shraddha Kapoor is next in line to tie the knot soon. There have been reports for a long time that Shraddha Kapoor is dating renowned photographer Rohan Shreshtha. Both have also been seen together at several occasions that have spiced up the rumours about their alleged relationship.
Earlier, it was claimed in many reports that Shraddha Kapoor will soon be marrying Rohan Shrestha, but there was no confirmation on that. However, this time around, the fuel to the fire was added by Shraddha Kapoor's aunt, Padmini Kolhapure, who recently recreated a version of her song ‘Yeh Galliyan Yeh Chaubara’, lending her voice for the song. Her niece, Shraddha Kapoor shared the song on her social media profile. Reacting to this post of Shraddha Kapoor, her aunt, actress Padmini Kolhapure dropped a comment saying she would sing the song at Shraddha and her sister Vedika's wedding.
ALSO READ: Is Shraddha Kapoor tying the knot with beau Rohan Shrestha? Here's what Shakti Kapoor said
Meanwhile, Shakti Kapoor during an interview had spoken up about Rohan Shrestha. Reacting to the rumours of them dating, Shakti Kapoor has said Rohan Shrestha is Shraddha's ‘family friend’, adding that he has known his father for a long time. He also said that Rohan has frequently visited his house, he never spoke of their (Rohan and Shraddha’s) marriage. Adding more to this, he said that his children – Siddhant Kapoor pr Shraddha Kapoor ever come and tell him that they have chosen a partner for themselves, he would have no objections it and would happily get them married. Now, let’s wait and watch if Shraddha Kapoor soon becomes Bollywood’s next bride or not.