Mithun Chakraborty, the iconic actor and BJP leader, was hospitalized in Kolkata after suffering a stroke. Despite initial concerns, updates from visitors indicate a positive trajectory in his recovery, sparking hope among fans and well-wishers
Veteran actor and BJP leader Mithun Chakraborty was admitted to Apollo Hospital's emergency unit in Kolkata on Saturday, February 10, after reportedly feeling unwell. It was later disclosed that he had suffered an Ischemic Cerebrovascular Stroke. However, reassuring updates followed over the weekend, indicating an improvement in his condition.
On Sunday, a video surfaced online, showing Mithun resting in his hospital bed while being visited by his doctor and West Bengal BJP chief Sukanta Majumdar. In the video, the doctor was seen advising Mithun to stay hydrated, implying a positive trajectory in his recovery process.
The news of Mithun's hospitalization prompted several political figures and acquaintances to visit him and extend their well wishes. Suvendu Adhikari, another prominent political leader, shared a photo and video from his visit, expressing satisfaction with Mithun's improved health status. He conveyed hopes for a swift recovery and discharge from the hospital.
I went to meet veteran actor and BJP Leader Shri Mithun Chakraborty at the private hospital in Kolkata where he is currently hospitalized and receiving treatment.
I enquired about his health and am quite happy that he is feeling much better now.
I pray for his well-being and hope…
Actress Debashree Roy, who also visited Mithun, conveyed to the media that he was on the mend and had transitioned from the ICU to a regular room. She mentioned that Mithun's sugar levels had dropped, causing discomfort, but assured that he was now recuperating well.
Director Pathikrit Basu, after meeting Mithun in the hospital, shared optimistic insights into the actor's condition. He revealed Mithun's intention to resume work shortly and his eagerness to return to the sets after a brief recovery period.