Popular actress and dancer Divya Unni got hitched for the second time with Mumbai-based Keralite Arun Kumar. Divya got separated from her ex-husband, Dr Sudhir Shekharan in 2016
The gala wedding was held at the Sree Guruvayoorappan temple in Houston on Sunday. Divya's current husband, Arun, is an engineer and has been working in Houston, Texas for the past four years.
Only the couple's close family and friends were present at the wedding as it was a private ceremony.
Also read: Here is why Mollywood actress Divya Unni got divorced
According to sources, Divya ended her first wedding because of her ex- Sudhir's extramarital affair and his egoistic nature.
Reportedly, Divya's deep interest towards dance and acting hadn't gone well with Dr Sudhir. The actress opened a dance school in Houston, US and soon established a successful career as a dance teacher.
But her husband was not happy with Divya's career interests and wanted her to stay at home. Sudhir allegedly asked Divya to shut down her dance school, but she refused to do so.
Also read:Actress Divya Unny accuses Malayalam director of sexual harassment
Later, after ending her 14-year-old marriage she moved back to Kochi along with her children Arjun and Meenakshi.