Tamil actress Jyothika makes a triumphant comeback in Malayalam film with Mammootty after 13 years. On October 18, Jyothika's birthday, Mammootty himself made the Kaathal - The Core movie announcement.
Jyothika, a Tamil actress who occasionally dabbles in films from other cultures, has also acted in two Malayalam movies. The two movies, Seetha Kalyanam from 2009 and Rakklippattu from 2008, were released in close succession. However, following that, the actress did not appear on Malayalam television. However, she is making a triumphant return to Malayalam film, 13 years later. And it will be alongside Mammootty, the current king of Malayalam film.
On October 18, Jyothika's birthday, Mammootty personally revealed the movie, which is named Kaathal - The Core. The movie's distinctive poster shows Jyothika with a younger Mammootty in an unglamorous black-and-white photo. The Great Indian Kitchen's Jeo Baby will helm the film.
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Here’s unveiling the title of Mammootty Kampany's next project Directed by Jeo Baby
Kaathal - The Core |
Wishing a very happy birthday to Jyotika 😊 pic.twitter.com/dsnqD6FyW7
It appears to be a pretty typical old family photo that you may put on your nightstand. A highly unorthodox billboard for a movie starring two of South India's top actors, yet that is what piques interest in the movie: a couple standing for a camera, perhaps the old-fashioned film camera.
According to reports, the family drama's filmmakers want to begin shooting in November. The recent collaboration for Kaathal-The Core with Jeo Baby, known for producing highly acclaimed movies like Kunju Daivam and The Great Indian Kitchen, will undoubtedly raise fan expectations.
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From day one, this film’s idea & every step taken by Dir JeoBaby & team is so good!! Wishing , Jo n team the best for . Happy happy birthday Jo!!! pic.twitter.com/SnavBrjGGm
— Suriya Sivakumar (@Suriya_offl)The movie is being shown by Mammootty's production firm, MammoottyKampany, and was written by Adarsh Sukumaran and Paulson Skaria. Francies Louis is the editor, while Salu K Thomas is the photographer. Mathews Pulickan is the composer of the music.
In the meantime, Jyothika recently won the Swarna Kamal Award for producing her husband Suriya's movie Soorarai Pottru. Mammootty most recently appeared in the critically acclaimed film Rorschach, while the actress-turned-producer was last seen in Udanpirappe.