At the recent Ganpati Puja hosted by the Ambani family at their extravagant Mumbai residence, Antilia, Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor found himself in a playful and unexpected situation. As he posed for the paparazzi, the Pandya brothers, Hardik and Krunal, inadvertently photobombed him, resulting in a moment of laughter and camaraderie that caught the attention of social media.
The recent Ganpati puja, hosted by the Ambani family in Mumbai, saw an unexpected and amusing moment as Shahid Kapoor found himself photobombed by the Pandya brothers while posing for paparazzi.
Social media has been abuzz with the Ganesh Chaturthi festivities organized by the Ambanis. On Tuesday, as the entire country embraced the auspicious celebrations, business magnate Mukesh Ambani and his wife, Nita Ambani, welcomed Ganpati Bappa into their home. To mark this significant festival, the Ambanis organized a grand puja and gathering at their Mumbai residence, Antilia. Several Bollywood celebrities, including Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Ajay Devgan, and Anil Kapoor, among others, graced the occasion with their presence. However, it was the unexpected encounter between Shahid Kapoor and the Pandya family that stole the spotlight.
On September 19, as Shahid Kapoor made his way to the grand Ganpati celebration at the Ambanis', he removed his shawl to strike a better pose for the paparazzi. Little did he know that, at the same moment, the Pandya brothers unintentionally stepped in and struck their own poses for the photographers. It was only when Shahid turned around that they all burst into hearty laughter, realising the accidental photobomb. Taking the situation in good humour, they warmly greeted each other with handshakes and mutual acknowledgment.