Renowned TV personality Cyrus Broacha's departure from Bigg Boss OTT 2 due to a family medical emergency leaves fans in suspense. But the show must go on, providing an opportunity for other contestants to shine amidst this unexpected twist---by Amrita Ghosh
In an unexpected turn of events, Cyrus Broacha had to leave the popular reality show Bigg Boss OTT 2. Cyrus’ sudden exit from the show is owing to a medical condition concerning his family. This unexpected departure from the popular reality show is sure to leave fans disappointed. Though our thoughts and prayers are with Cyrus so that he overcomes this arduous period concerning his family, the show and viewers will surely miss his presence. Cyrus and his family have requested privacy amidst these challenging times that concern his nearest and dearest ones.
Cyrus begged host Salman Khan, in the last Weekend ka Var episode to let him out of the house owing to this crisis concerning his loved ones. Salman Khan was seen trying to console him but he had decided to leave the show mid-way eventually.
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With the show well underway, audiences are sure to miss Cyrus owing to his ability to lighten things up even when it gets the most gruesome in the house. Thus, in a short while he had become the audience's favourite, and people would look forward to seeing him. But with this exit, the space for garnering audience attention has been thrown open and contestants will be seen vying for the empty spot. But as they say, the show must go on come what may, viewers would be eager to see how this sudden exit of a well–beloved contestant shapes the others in the house and it’s a battle wide open now.
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