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Nagaland state lottery Sambad result June 13, 2024: Check out Dear Mahanadi winning number

The Lottery Sambad drawings are done three times daily and the timings are 1 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm. The lottery number for Dear Mahanadi Morning has been released; have a peek.

Nagaland state lottery Sambad result June 13, 2024: Check out Dear Mahanadi winning number RKK
First Published Jun 13, 2024, 12:58 PM IST

Lotteries are legal in 13 states across India: Nagaland, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Mizoram, Kerala, Maharashtra, Goa, Manipur, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, and Assam. The Lottery Sambad drawings are done three times daily. This year's Lottery Sambad times are 1 pm, 6 pm, and 8 pm. The lottery number for Dear Mahanadi Morning has been released; have a peek.

Dear Mahanadi result
The winning number of Dear Mahanadi result is 52A 95972 and the 1st price is Rs 1 crore.

Dear Lake result
Dear Lake result will be out at 6 pm and the 1st price is Rs 1 crore.

Dear Sandpiper result
Dear Sandpiper result be out at 8 pm and the 1st price is Rs 1 crore.

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How much money will the first 3 winners get?
1st prize: 1 crore, 2nd prize: Rs 9,000, 3rd prize: Rs 450.

How much money will the other winners get?
4th prize: Rs 250, 5th prize: Rs 120 and Consolation prize: Rs 1,000.

How to buy Nagaland state lottery ticket

Lottery tickets can be purchased offline from a local agent or online through authorized merchants. There are a few online dealers where you may buy Nagaland State Lottery Tickets.

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