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Gen Z picks up a New Diwali Ritual with Level SuperMind App

This Diwali, Level SuperMind introduced a new way to celebrate the festive season by releasing a Diwali Special Meditation in the voice of Ranveer Allahbadia.

Gen Z picks up a New Diwali Ritual with Level SuperMind App-snt
First Published Oct 26, 2022, 6:03 PM IST

Celebrating the festival of lights with poojas and rituals has been a tradition of every Indian family. But with changing times, the Gen Z and Millennials are adopting a new ritual, to meditate with their families on festivals.

This Diwali, Level SuperMind introduced a new way to celebrate the festive season by releasing a Diwali Special Meditation in the voice of Ranveer Allahbadia. This 10-minute guided meditation allowed the users to find light and positivity in their lives and share it with their loved ones.  

“It felt like a chance to give my mind a break. I really enjoyed the few minutes of silence amidst a day of hustle-bustle. Listening to this meditation not only brought me peace but also made me count my blessings and enjoy the true spirit of this festival. It feels like meditation is becoming my favourite daily habit with Level app”, shares a user.

Level SuperMind is a mind-performance boosting app, packed with science-backed tools like guided meditations, mind-muscle workouts, yoga flows, sleep-inducing stories and personal journals.

Science confirms that practices like meditation and journaling can improve the mind’s ability to focus, sharpen memory and even boost creativity. Level SuperMind is great for anyone who believes in enhancing their mind’s performance, be it someone who is trying meditation for the first time, or for those who have always wanted to make it a habit.

The app comes with a fun user-interface, regular reminders, and journal prompts that make you keep coming back to it. Other features like focus music and breathwork exercises are also receiving raving feedback from its users.

Level SuperMind team aims to reach every student and working professionals, and share the power of meditation to help them excel at whatever they choose to do. Catering to real challenges faced by students today, this app offers various series of meditations on improving focus, beating distractions, managing exam anxiety, etc.

The app has been launched by entrepreneurs Harshil Karia, Ranveer Allahbadia and Aayush Anand to offer the right tools to the youth in order to excel in their lives. Level SuperMind has got over 50,000 downloads of its latest version and has been receiving positive feedback from both young students and seasoned meditators alike.

To download the app, go to

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