Brahmin Samaj felicitates South India's first woman fighter pilot; Meghana Shanbogh in Karnataka

Meghana Shanbogh, woman fighter pilot,shares the struggle behind her success story during her felicitation by the Brahmin Samaj in Karnataka

Published: Jun 21, 2018, 9:26 AM IST

Meghana Shanbogh, who has proudly become the first woman fighter pilot, got felicitated by the Brahmin Samaj, in Chikmagalur, Karnataka. She is not only a fighter pilot but a fighter in real life as well. During the programme, she shared various stories about the hurdles she had to overcome to reach this milestone and various anecdotes from her childhood days. Watch the video on Asianet Newsable to get glimpses of the struggles she confronted before becoming the first woman fighter pilot.