Union Home Minister Amit Shah has set social media abuzz on Friday (March 1) as a viral image of his car's distinctive number plate captured widespread attention. The pictures and videos circulating online showcase Shah's arrival at the BJP headquarters in Delhi, steering a Tata Safari with the eye-catching number plate 'DL1C AA 4421.'

The online community swiftly responded to this peculiar number plate, with many interpreting it as a witty commentary on Amit Shah's steadfast commitment to implementing the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA).

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Netizens took to various platforms to express their humorous interpretations, with one user noting, "The message is clear," and another emphasizing, "The number plate on the vehicle says it all."


Amit Shah's viral number plate joins a recent trend of high-profile figures showcasing unique vehicle registrations. 

Just days prior, Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud made headlines with his car's distinctive number plate, 'DL1 CJI 0001.' The intriguing trend prompted business executive Lloyd Mathias to share admiration for the Chief Justice's choice, sparking curiosity about other dignitaries' number plate choices.

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The backdrop to Amit Shah's viral moment was his attendance at the Central Election Committee (CEC) meeting of the BJP in Delhi. Joined by party president JP Nadda and representatives from 16 states, Shah, under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, participated in discussions aimed at finalizing the party's candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.