Hidden danger in cooking oil: Avoid this ingredient to prevent heart attack
This article warns about a dangerous ingredient hidden in cooking oil that can lead to heart attacks if consumed unknowingly.

Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
This oil will cause heart disease. Heart attack can happen at any moment! To keep the body healthy, you should avoid eating this oil.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
With the way the price of oil is increasing, a cooking oil is available in the market at a very low price.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
This oil is Malaysian Palmolein Oil. This oil is sold in the market at 40 to 60 rupees per liter. It is a popular choice due to its cheap price and stability at high temperatures, however, is bad for the health when consumed in excess.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
The import of this oil has increased tremendously as the prices of mustard and coconut oil have increased comparatively.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
This oil has a serious effect on the body. Research has shown that this oil is high in trans fat. This fat greatly increases the risk of heart disease.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
Regular consumption of this oil causes heart attack, brain stroke, and high blood pressure. It can also worsen conditions such as asthma, arthritis, and others.
Hidden Danger in Cooking Oil
Refined oil is mixed with good quality oil and sold. So that people unknowingly invite their own danger.