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Israeli strike that killed Hamas’ Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut caught on camera; watch CCTV footage

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Jan 3, 2024, 4:03 PM IST

Israel is rapidly moving towards its objective of eliminating the senior leaders, and think tanks of Hamas. Israel Defence Forces launched a precision strike to eliminate the Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Saleh al-Arouri in Beirut, Lebanon.

Palestinian militant group Hamas is rapidly losing ground strength in the Gaza Strip as Israel's Defence Forces are taking the fight deep into the hideouts of the terrorists. Israel’s precisional strikes are also successfully taking down the elitist leaders of the Hamas group. Israel began the New Year with multiple strikes on Hamas. The IDF has continued its strikes in the last couple of days signalling its willingness to destroy the Hamas group.

An Israeli strike in Lebanon’s Beirut on Tuesday killed Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Saleh al-Arouri. Saleh al-Arouri, one of the senior leaders of the Hamas fled from Gaza to Beirut after the October 7 attacks. Saleh al-Arouri provided directions for on-ground assaults from Beirut itself. Israel’s precision strike also took down Senior Hamas Leader, Khalil al-Hayya. CCTV footage shows the precision strike and the large-scale explosion that took place in the aftermath of the hit. 

CCTV Footage from the Lebanese Capital of Beirut showing the Israeli Airstrike which resulted in the Death of the Deputy Chairman of the Hamas Political Bureau, Saleh al-Arouri as well as Senior Hamas Leader, Khalil al-Hayya.

— OSINTdefender (@sentdefender)

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The duo were working on assault missions on Israel from Beirut under the protection of Hezbollah. Israel post the October 7 attacks vowed to take on the senior leaders of Hamas as well as the on-ground Jihadi militants. The Israel Defence Forces are slowly moving towards completing their objective of destroying the Hamas outfit. However, the fresh strike took place outside Gaza which could take the war outside the strip.

Hezbollah is vowing for a revenge attack on Israel for the strike on Tuesday. In such a case, Lebanon may get involved in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Even Syria fired rockets toward Israeli settlements in the Golan Heights region presenting a challenge for Israel. Hamas under the backing of Iran may take the support of Syria and Lebanon and open multiple fronts of war in the coming weeks.

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