Doctor pulls out live cockroach from woman’s ear

By Team Newsable  |  First Published Jul 3, 2020, 5:15 PM IST

A Chinese woman was stunned when she found out that a live cockroach was stuck inside her ear

Beijing: A live cockroach was taken out from a Chinese woman’s ear, by a doctor. According to reports, the cockroach had crawled into her ear when she was asleep.

After constant scratching noise heard from ear, the woman visited the hospital in China's Guangdong province. She said that she couldn't see what was in her ear but she felt that something was crawling in her ear.

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During medical tests, doctors found a yellow cockroach in her ear canal. The doctors added that if the insect was not removed on time, then it could have burrowed in her ear.

The doctor pulled out the cockroach with a pair of tweezers.

In a similar incident, a family of more than 10 cockroaches were found in a 24-year-old woman's ear.

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