Cat observes Gymnasts performance on TV, tries to copy movements; watch video

A viral video shows a cat watching gymnasts performances and looks fascinated by their actions.

The ongoing Tokyo Olympics is one of the most-talked games globally. It looks like the competition has also grabbed animals' attention. Yes, a viral video shows a cat curiously observing gymnasts performance and appears to be pretty attracted by their movements. 

The video shows a white cat sitting in front of the television, adjacent to the screen and watching the gymnasts performance with a lot of attention and group. As the athletes display synchronized movements, the cat also moves its head in the corresponding direction and, with its paw, tries to catch them.

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Instagram user Humor And Animals posted this video with the caption, "cats watching gymnastics is my new favorite (teenybellinitheprettypittie IG)" The video went viral on social media and garnered over 1 million and 55k likes. Take a look.

cats watching gymnastics is my new favorite
(teenybellinitheprettypittie IG)

— Humor And Animals (@humorandanimals)


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