Here is how to change the font of Whatsapp texts

By K S Aditya RaoFirst Published Jul 20, 2016, 1:31 PM IST

Whatsapp has introduced a new font feature to all the iOS, Android and web platforms silently during this week.


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The new font is quite similar to the ' FixedSys' font which was generally used in the newspapers a few years back.


The font is not rolled out officially by Whatsapp, hence there are not options made available in any of its menus. However, there is a keyboard pattern to change the font from normal to 'FixedSys'.


All you have to do is to type the single grave accent (`) three times before and after the text to change the font of your Whatsapp message.


For example: ```Hey! How are you? ```


The iPhone users may find it difficult to find the 'character' on their iOS keyboard. The problem can be easily resolved by pressing 123 key in the keyboard’s corner and the tap and hold the apostrophe to get the grave accent (`).


There are few other font features on Whatsapp that are hidden:

Bold: Any Whatsapp text or a part of it can be turned bold if it is enclosed under the asterisk sign (*). 

Example: *I am busy, will ping you later.*


Italics: A Whatsapp text can be italicized by attaching an underscore (_) at the beginning and the end of the text.   

Example: _See you tomorrow!_


Strikethrough: The user can strike the selected text with a horizontal line, if the text has a tilde (~) at the beginning and at the end of it.

Example: ~Let’s go out for a dinner.~



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