National Epilepsy Day 2022: Causes, symptoms and facts you should know about this disorder

By Suruchi N GFirst Published Nov 17, 2022, 11:24 AM IST

November 17 is National Epilepsy Day to create awareness about this chronic disorder that can affect brain functions characterized by recurrent fits. Here are some facts, causes and symptoms you should know 

Epilepsy is a central nervous system disorder that can cause frequent seizures. Epilepsy affects the brain's functions, resulting in losing a sense of balance and the surroundings. People of any age can get affected by this disorder. However, issues can be different from person to person. Every year, November 17 is National Epilepsy Day in India to create awareness about this chronic disorder which can cause recurrent fits. Things to know about this disorder's facts, causes, and symptoms. 

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Epilepsy Causes:

Brain abnormalities: Brain abnormalities can be caused due to pre-existing brain conditions, such as dementia, brain tumours, strokes, and others. These abnormalities can result in epilepsy among some individuals.

Genetics: Epilepsy can be hereditary and inherited if your family has a history of it. Researchers have found specific kinds of genes can put an individual at a higher risk of developing the disorder.

Mesial temporal sclerosis: Mesial temporal sclerosis is a scar in the inner part of the temporal lobe. Focal seizures happen due to this.

Head injuries and brain disorders: Infections like brain abscess, meningitis, brain encephalitis, or head injuries caused by fatal blows and falls to the head can be a vital cause of epilepsy.

Autoimmune diseases: Autoimmune diseases affect the body's immune system as they attack brain cells and affect the body's immune system, which puts a person at risk of developing the condition.

Development or metabolic disorders: People with birth abnormalities or metabolic disorders like tuberous sclerosis and polymicrogyria that can affect the brain are some causes of epilepsy.

Epilepsy symptoms

  1. The main symptom a person with epilepsy can experience is seizures. However, the symptoms depend on the type of seizure experienced by a person.
  2. The common symptoms include consciousness and temporary loss of awareness, uncontrolled muscle movements, a blank stare, confusing looks, and problems with thinking, talking and understanding.
  3. In addition, the other symptoms are lack of vision, feelings, taste, smell, numbness, upset stomach, and goosebumps.
  4. The psychic symptoms could include experiencing deja vu, anxiety, fear and dreading.  

Epilepsy Facts

  1. Not every seizure can make a person jerk and shake; also, people don't stay unconscious during an episode of seizure.
  2. Approximately one in every 100 people has epilepsy, and three per cent suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, meaning flashlights can trigger seizures. 
  3. According to some reports by the Epilepsy society, an individual with clonic seizures should not be held down. In addition, they were made to drink or shouldn't be fed anything during an episode.
  4. Every person has different effects of epilepsy. For some people, the condition can affect their sleep and memory; for others, it can harm their mental health.

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