Fighting gender-based violence: The urgent need for male allyship

By Team Asianet NewsableFirst Published Sep 24, 2024, 4:30 PM IST

In today's world, it is important to ask men to take active steps in fighting against domestic violence, sexual harassment, and all forms of abuse against women.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a widespread pandemic that affects millions of women globally. Domestic violence, sexual harassment, and other types of abuse against women violate human rights while also undermining social cohesiveness and economic progress. To tackle this evil, males must be actively involved in the struggle.

The Alarming Statistics

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- 1 in 3 women experience physical or sexual violence worldwide (WHO)
- 38% of murders of women are committed by intimate partners (UNODC)
- 81% of women experience sexual harassment in their lifetime (NSVRC)

Why Male Allyship Matters

Men are often perpetrators of GBV, but they can also be powerful agents of change. By engaging men in prevention and intervention efforts, we can:

1. Challenge Toxic Masculinity: Rethink harmful norms and stereotypes that perpetuate GBV.
2. Amplify Women's Voices: Support survivors and advocates in their fight for justice.
3. Create Safe Spaces: Foster environments where women feel valued and respected.

The Role of Men in Preventing GBV

1. Model Positive Behavior: Demonstrate respect, empathy, and equality in relationships.
2. Speak Out: Condemn GBV publicly and privately.
3. Listen and Believe: Support survivors and create safe spaces.
4. Mentor and Influence: Encourage other men to join the fight.
5. Advocate for Policy Change: Support laws and policies protecting women's rights.

Success Stories

- The White Ribbon Campaign, founded by men, has engaged millions in GBV prevention.
- The HeForShe movement, launched by UN Women, has mobilized men globally.
- Local initiatives, such as MenEngage, are making a difference in communities.

Overcoming Challenges

1. Patriarchal Systems: Address structural barriers to gender equality.
2. Social Norms: Challenge harmful attitudes and behaviors.
3. Intersectionality: Recognize how GBV affects marginalized women.

A Call to Action

Men, it's time to take an active stance against GBV. Join forces with women and organizations working tirelessly to prevent and respond to violence.

What You Can Do

1. Educate yourself on GBV.
2. Support organizations working to prevent GBV.
3. Engage in conversations with friends, family, and colleagues.
4. Advocate for policy change.

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