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1763 Karnataka villages face risk of flooding: What is disaster management's response?

By Srishti msFirst Published Jun 28, 2024, 11:29 AM IST

A study by the Disaster Management Division of the Revenue Department has revealed alarming insights into the flood situation in Karnataka. Based on data from the past 15 years, the report highlights that 1,763 villages in the state are at risk of flooding during the upcoming monsoon season.

The study indicates that heavy monsoon rains could lead to flooding in 1,763 villages across Karnataka. This finding has prompted the Disaster Management Department to take proactive measures by forming teams at the Gram Panchayat level to address potential flood situations. The report underscores that 7 out of the last 10 years have seen significant flooding in many districts, with consecutive floods occurring from 2018 to 2022.

According to the Disaster Management Department's study, 1,763 villages in 717 Gram Panchayats across 148 taluks in 23 districts are vulnerable to floods. They predict 1,003 villages to experience moderate floods, and 760 villages to face severe floods. The districts in North Karnataka are particularly at risk, with Kalaburagi (238 villages), Belgaum (201 villages), Bagalkote (192 villages), Haveri (176 villages), and Raichur (137 villages) among the most affected.

To mitigate the impact of potential floods, the Revenue Department has decided to establish teams at the village panchayat level dedicated to rescue and relief operations. These teams will include personnel from the revenue department, rural development, animal husbandry, police, and fire brigade. They will also identify and incorporate skilled swimmers from local communities into these teams to ensure effective rescue operations.

In preparation for the monsoon season, the Revenue Department will conduct workshops for village-level teams by July 15. Additionally, the Revenue Department has instructed district commissioners to organise mock drills to ensure readiness for flood situations. By mid-July, district commissioners must complete all necessary preparations, including team formations, workshops, and mock drills.

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