UP SHOCKER! Madrasa student attacks cleric on neck with saw after he asked him not to smoke (WATCH)

By Shweta KumariFirst Published Sep 26, 2024, 7:06 PM IST

The minor student, now in police custody, reportedly reacted violently when the maulana, forbade him from smoking within the premises. In an act of defiance and rage, the student seized a saw and slashed the maulana’s neck, leaving him gravely injured.

In a chilling incident, a student at a Madrasa attacked a Maulana (Muslim cleric) on his neck with a saw after the latter asked him not to smoke a bidi (tobacco). The shocking act of violence, which took place in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad, has raised alarm over the safety and discipline within educational institutions.

The minor student, now in police custody, reportedly reacted violently when the maulana, forbade him from smoking within the premises. In an act of defiance and rage, the student seized a saw and slashed the maulana’s neck, leaving him gravely injured.

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उत्तर प्रदेश : गाजियाबाद के मदरसे में छात्र ने मौलाना की गर्दन पर आरी चला दी। मौलाना ने उसको बीड़ी पीने से मना किया था। पुलिस ने आरोपी नाबालिग छात्र को कस्टडी में लिया। घायल मौलाना का इलाज जारी है। pic.twitter.com/JI5ydVGU6J

— Sachin Gupta (@SachinGuptaUP)

As the news of the assault spread, authorities swiftly intervened, taking the minor into custody. Meanwhile, the wounded maulana is undergoing critical treatment, with the severity of his injuries raising concerns about his recovery.

A video shows the Maulana, lying on a hospital bed, in an injured condition.

The incident has cast a spotlight on the underlying issues of discipline, respect, and behavioral problems among youth in such settings.

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— HIMANSHU MISHRA 🇮🇳 (@himanshu717171)


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— Yadvendra (@Official_Yaad02)
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