Following a breach at the Indian Parliament House, Deputy CM Shivakumar urged BJP leaders to address MP Simha's alleged involvement. Tensions rose as Ashok cautioned against politicization, prompting a verbal clash. Shivakumar referenced past unity, intensifying discord. The Speaker pushed for a resolution condemning the incident, calling for a thorough investigation and cautious pass allocation.
Following the recent breach of security at the Parliament House, Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister D.K. Shivakumar stated that the senior BJP leaders should engage with MP Pratap Simha, alleged to have provided the attackers with a pass. He stressed the importance of responsibility in pass allocation, signalling the need for accountability in the wake of the distressing incident.
The aftermath saw contrasting responses from political figures, as Opposition leader R. Ashok urged against politicizing the issue, emphasizing the unanimous condemnation of the incident. However, tensions escalated when Congress members Nayana Motamma, Rizwana Arshad, and Minister Priyank Kharge retaliated, highlighting potential accusations of treason if the pass had been issues by Congress members.
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This exchange led to a verbal confrontation between the administration and the opposition, with mutual accusations heightening the tension. DK Shivakumar's reference to the unity exhibited during a past incident in Mangalore further fueled the discord, as Ashok questioned the ruling party's response, escalating the verbal sparring. The proceedings were adjourned for ten minutes amidst the escalating commotion.
Upon the resumption of proceedings, the Speaker swiftly initiated a resolution condemning the incident and advocating for a comprehensive investigation and subsequent action against the culprits. He stressed the imperative need to prevent security lapses, suggesting a cautious approach in issuing passes, emphasizing acquaintances as recipients.