Following his loss of the Lok Sabha ticket from BJP, MP DV Sadananda Gowda revealed that Congress leaders approached him with an offer. He plans to discuss this with his family before announcing his decision. Gowda hinted at broader political dynamics and expressed disappointment over perceived injustices in Karnataka.
MP DV Sadananda Gowda has revealed that Congress leaders approached him with an offer following his loss of the Lok Sabha ticket from BJP. Speaking to the media in Bengaluru on his birthday, Gowda announced his intention to discuss the matter with his family before announcing his decision tomorrow.
Acknowledging the discussions with Congress leaders, Gowda highlighted the importance of familial consultation in making his decision. He emphasized that he would hold a press conference the next morning to articulate his position after deliberating with his family.
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During the interaction with the media, Gowda hinted at broader political dynamics, referencing a conversation with a prominent member of his party. He underscored the significance of addressing grievances within the party, suggesting that all issues should be brought to the attention of the high command.
Reflecting on recent developments, Gowda expressed his disappointment over the perceived injustice in the state. He hinted at forthcoming heartfelt thoughts during his upcoming press conference, indicating a desire to address these concerns publicly.