Union Minister Rajeev Chandrashekhar gifted a laptop to a fourth-class student whom he met during Vande Bharat Yatra. The minister shared these thoughts on his Twitter handle on December 2.
Thiruvananthapuram: Union Minister Rajeev Chandrashekhar gifted a laptop to a fourth-class student whom he met during the Vande Bharat Yatra. The minister met Sreeram and his mother during the Vande Bharat journey from Thrissur to Kozhikode on December 2.
Met this young budding computer genius Shriram 4th std and his physics teacher mother on tdys vandebharat ride from Thrissur to Kozhikode
Shriram has his own laptop, showed me videos he had editd and told me his dream is "to visit computer companies in gurgaon"
I promised to… pic.twitter.com/6obZ027COx
Sreeram is a computer genius. He showed all his edits and work to the minister. He also expressed his desire to meet computer companies in Gurgaon. The minister assured him that he and his classmates would be allowed to visit IT Companies. The minister also promised to give him a new laptop. The minister shared these thoughts on his Twitter handle on December 2.
The minister kept his promise and provided a laptop to Sreeram. He came to CDAC Kochi with his father and mother and received the laptop. His mother shared her surprise and experience meeting the minister on the train. Sreeram's father is a fabric worker in Muvattuuzha. His next goal is to travel to IT Companies.