Five family members including three children were found hanging at Vachal in Cherupuzha panchayat in Kannur. The couple tied the knot on May 16.
Kannur: Five family members including three children were found hanging at Vachal in Cherupuzha panchayat in Kannur on Wednesday.
The deceased have been identified as Shaji and Sreeja and Sreeja's three children from the first marriage, Sooraj (12), Sujin (10) and Surabhi (8). Sreeja and Shaji were found hanging inside the house.
The couple tied the knot on May 16.
The children were found on the staircase, while Sreeja and Shaji were found hanging from the ceiling fan. Before the couple committed suicide, police believe the children were killed.
When the door didn't open, the locals were the first to notice. The preliminary finding is that the death was caused by family issues. Moreover, a suicide note was discovered. Shaji has two children from his first marriage and he has not legally divorced her before marrying Sreeja.
The police have launched an investigation into the incident.
(Further details are awaited).